Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Essential Fatty Acid Mix

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) including omega 3 (Alpha-Linoleic Acid), omega 6 (Linoleic Acid), among others; are essential to good health but cannot be produced by the body. They are also widely deficient in the modern diet.

Recipe for a perfect balance of Essential Fatty Acids:

2 tsp. flax seed
1 tsp. raw sesame seeds
1 tsp. raw sunflower seeds
1 tsp. raw pumpkin seeds

-Blend in a coffee grinder
-Store the powdered mixture in your refrigerator. Add one teaspoon to a meal each day. These delicate fats are sensitive to oxidation, therefore cooking or heating will destroy the healing properties.

EFAs are crucial building blocks for the body. They play a role in the maintenance of cell membrane fluidity and stability, development and function of brain and nerve tissue, oxygen transfer and energy production, immune functions, and conversion into compounds involved in all body functions including local hormones governing inflammatory responses.

Balanced amounts of omega 3 to omega 6 are vital for good health. Uneven ratios cause inflammation within cells leading to suppressed immunity. An inflammatory diet is particularly harmful for individuals with arthritis, cancer or other inflammatory diseases. Whereas properly balanced EFAs are extremely healing and can aid with reducing arthritis pain, easing menopausal symptoms, and much more.

Through nutritional protocol EFAs are the answer to numerous health problems. The brain is mainly fat, therefore EFAs aid in restoring mental clarity and mood stability. For athletes and anyone else who works out, adding EFAs to your diet will help build lean muscle more quickly.

Don't worry about the calorie load of adding an extra spoonful of fat to your diet each day. This nourishing fat will assist with processing calories more effectively. Additionally; you will be adding numerous vitamins, minerals, and fiber.